OUTRUN This Cyber Punk Future Car Chase From Aces Weekly 10/10 rated, reviewed and rasterized by POWkabam.
OUTRUN by Matteo Filippi and Marco Morale is a claw into your seat thrill ride into the grim future!
There are a few vague similarities to Tank Girl here, in that we are in a post-apocalyptic future where areas outside of major cities, or the cities themselves, are ravaged from war, but that ends them.
OUTRUN is utterly unique in its bright, visceral style.
The art and writing take on cyber punk, burgeoning tech that is still shaping the future and one hell of an upgraded muscle car named Gyro – possibly a 68 Camaro RS merged with a 60’s Chevelle – complete with a stick shift, voice command, and a clutch pedal!
ACES WEEKLY Volume 37 features this humorous and deadly romp, and it is a gem.
From the ACES WEEKLY description of OUTRUN:
In full: the block-busting, kaleidoscopic, journey into the future from Matteo Filippi and Marco Morale.
MILD Spoiler Warning****
A mysterious and badass heroine has taken on saving one young man named William Douglas and his bum, just as he is about to be arrested in his home for sedition.
The detailed yet cartoonish look and feel bleeds into the action scenes, as heads can be punched waaaay off their stretched necks.
The wide format, vibrant colors, and intensity on-screen are precisely why Aces Weekly is a digital only comic book publisher.
OUTRUN’s tight quips and gorgeous use of shadows and shading come across in brilliant detail.
The humor offsets the grim world and adds some much needed comedic relief to the escape plot hatching before the reader’s eyes.
We are just two weeks and thus two parts into the book and already the tricked out Gyro car is enthralling.
Lightning leaps from the ground in a major city (read the book to find it which) that has been transformed into a possible nuclear and possible dire climate change desert.
Yet the great use of neon color highlights all of the area, as it reflects the societal dependency of electric tech.
Why is the government after poor Willy?
He may have created a way to block all digital . . .
You will have to read it to find out more!
Aces Weekly is unique in that it offers parts of six comics, serially, every Monday and each volume is a smorgasbord of intrigue.
You can subscribe for JUST £1 per week in any currency and jump on board with the world’s digital comics revolution (see: ACES WEEKLY Comic Art Magazine Sparks Digital Revolution).
POWKABAM Score For OUTRUN 1 = 10/10
- Writing: 10
- Art: 10
- Dialogue: 10
- Innovation: 10
- Intrigue: 10