Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #2 DAMAGED: 8D6 combines two of the most fun endeavors for the geek counterculture that has shaken the fringes of the mainstream but is still – BURP – not quite there…or is it?

Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons, Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #2, Rick and Morty, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons

By that I mean TV’s Rick and Morty, the infamous sci-fi dynamic duo, and the role-playing game of yore, Dungeons & Dragons.

The comic book series for Rick & Morty is a perfect add-on for the show: each comic is like a raucous new episode set in a Rick and Morty continuity.


Jerry is still separated from Beth, for instance.

And Beth sees a Kobold that looks “a little like Jerry” and proceeds to go all Warrior on its ass with a soon-to-be-bloodied battle hammer!

The Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons mini-series is truly extraordinary in that it seamlessly combines the two vastly infinite worlds of the show and game.

The attention to detail here, from the belching Rick, to the way in which Grandpa shows his horny grandson trying to learn the game to start out in Third Edition is dead-on and hilarious.

Expeditions lead to many monsters and missions and many treasures and lessons.

All is going swimmingly when Morty, who wants to be a rogue, despite Summer choosing this, is forced to be the Cleric, the party’s Healer, because as Rick says, ”no double dipping on classes, Morty. It’s a dick move.”

And then the Challenge Ratings go up from 2 to 4 to 5.

The XP Gained goes as follows:

2000, 4000, and then as Morty unlocks a chest without asking if there are traps: “Damaged: 8D6” with a “Reflex save for half damage.”

He, Beth and Summer are on fire while Rick is laughing his ass off in the background after they learned their lesson.

Summer, I mean, Winterblade, even gets a great “SNEAK ATTACK” in!

The first issue in the Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons series talked about all of the starting rules, in detail, and had a fun set of adventures, virtual and otherwise, in it.

Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #2 is all about Grandpa Rick’s newly invented virtual world simulator for being in the dungeon, and it-burrrrp-rocks!

Patrick Rothfuss (Author) • Jim Zub (Author) • Troy Little (Artist, Cover Artist) • Leonardo Ito (Colorist)

Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons, Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #2, Rick and Morty, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons

“Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #2 DAMAGED: 8D6” was written by R.J. Huneke.